Mini Seedless Watermelon Exceed-ing Expectations

Innovative Watermelon Portfolio

“I’m thrilled to debut in the Hazera newsletter and share exciting updates about Hazera’s new additions to our watermelon portfolio, especially our latest developments.”

~ Rafael Mora – Eastern Sales Manager

Working alongside our fantastic team of breeders, product developers, and sales professionals, Hazera has been diligently visiting fields, listening to customers, and witnessing firsthand how our products meet and exceed market demands.

With a market trending towards convenience and exceptional eating experience for consumers, high-yielding, resistance package and sustainable results for growers, and transportability and extended freshness for shippers, Hazera has been working hard over the last few seasons to create a new line of watermelons that will surprise the industry.

One of the key benefits of our watermelons is their convenient size. Hazera is already renowned in the industry for its successful line of convenient small-sized watermelons. Building on this success, we are now innovating with mini watermelons and also introducing a line of regular-sized watermelons. These new varieties boast superior internal quality, flavor, juiciness, crunchiness, and vibrant colored flesh while maintaining these traits for a long period of time. And, of course, they are seedless.

Our new watermelon line offers the market a complete portfolio of advanced varieties, ensuring shippers and retailers can manage a product that arrives in perfect condition and maintains its freshness both internally and externally for a long time. Growers will also benefit from high-yielding varieties that are easy to cultivate and come with robust resistance packages, including resistance to Powdery Mildew.

With these new additions, Hazera is assembling one of the most comprehensive and innovative assortments of watermelon varieties providing solutions for diverse needs across the supply chain.

Join us at our upcoming watermelon field days to see these exciting developments firsthand. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore our latest news and varieties.

Sign up now to our >> Woodland field days here <<

Looking forward to seeing you in the field!