Incredible Watermelon Field Days in Woodland, California

What an incredible day we had in Woodland, California! With over 250 participants, including dealers and growers from across the Americas, our Watermelon Field Day was a resounding success. The event was a vibrant celebration of our commitment to excellence and innovation in the watermelon market.

Our Americas team from Mexico, Central America, and USA warmly welcomed all visitors, who were treated to the best-tasting mini watermelons. A stunning display of our top 10 varieties, showcased in beautifully arranged boxes of 6s and 8s, highlighted the quality and diversity of our offerings. Our guests observed a rind thickness with a proven track record for excellent storage and long shipping capabilities, deep red flesh, and a very white rind that highlights our internal quality—just what consumers crave. And the taste? Out of this world! Each of these qualities was evident in the field.

The growers who attended were impressed by the vine strength and the resilience of the fruit, which continues to produce high yields, especially with our pollinator varieties, Minipool and Merilla. Internal quality, shipping and packing capabilities, and field holding were standout features during our field day. The field truly was a sight to behold, with rows of thriving watermelon plants that showcased our dedication to agricultural excellence. The field really was a sight to behold, with rows of thriving watermelon plants that demonstrated our dedication to agricultural excellence.

We were especially excited to introduce our new generation of mini watermelons, including the Onza, Excite, and Expert varieties. These new offerings, along with additional varieties still in development, are a testament to our ongoing innovation and commitment to meeting the evolving needs of the market.

As we walked the field with our guests, it was rewarding to witness their genuine admiration for the fruits of our labor. We engaged in meaningful conversations, listening to feedback from growers, dealers, and consumers, ensuring we remained attuned to market needs. Nothing compares to the satisfaction of walking alongside our customers and hearing firsthand the positive impact our products have on their operations.

We are proud to lead the mini watermelon segment, and this event reaffirmed our commitment to being ever closer to our growers and dealers. Our team’s passion and the strong relationships we foster are the foundation of our success. At Hazera, innovation is at the heart of everything we do, especially as we introduce our new generation of products that continue to set the standard in the industry.

We look forward to many more opportunities to connect, learn, and grow together.